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Nicholas Tse + Eason Chan - Pure Music World

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謝霆鋒  Nicholas Tse
1. 玉蝴蝶
2. 遊樂場
3. 愛後餘生
4. 非走不可
5. 早知
6. 無聲仿有聲
7. 一了百了
8. 別來無恙
9. 謝謝你的愛1999
10. 因為愛所以愛
陳奕迅  Eason Chan
11. Shall We Talk
12. 單車
13. K歌之王
14. 幸褔摩天輪
15. 當地球沒有花
16. 黑夜不再來
17. 綿綿
18. 低等動物
19. 天下無雙
20. 傷信

Released on 09/2001

CD Description

Nicholas Tse and Eason Chan, both artists under EEG, are pals in real life. This album features 20 instrumental versions of their most popular works (ten of each artist), including "Jade Butterfly", "Once and For All", "I Love Because of Love", "Shall We Talk", "King of Karaoke", "No More Dark Night" and "Happy Ferris Wheels". This is an album not to be missed by fans of these two talented artists.

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